Category: Our DWI Case Results
Criminal Defense lawyers Sansone & Lauber were retained by Brian T. after he was charged with a DWI in the Wentztville Missouri Municipal Court, charges were challenged based on lack of evidence; ...
Defendant took breath test which resulted in .16 BAC reading. Our St. Louis DWI defense was based primarily on lack of probable cause and technical mistakes made the the police officer. Despite the hi...
In several cases we have defended CDL licensed drivers charged with DWI in Missouri and Illinois. In many cases our clients are able to maintained their full and complete CDL driving privileges. Joe L...
One of the most commonly asked Missouri DWI related question is, should I refuse to take a breath test? Follow the link for our explanation and the answer. Short answer, unless you are sober or are su...
Jefferson County DWI Lawyer, Gary J. Lauber, represented a Jeff Co drunk driving Defendant, Nick D., for his DWI refusal case. In Missouri, refusing to take a breath test can result in a 1 year licens...
Illinois DWI Case Dismissed & License Suspension Rescinded. Defendant submitted to breathalyzer test at 1:31 a.m. but was not read his Miranda Rights until 1:43 a.m. St. Louis DUI Lawyer Ben Sanso...
DWI Case Dismissed & License Suspension Rescinded Our DUI lawyers filed and argued a Motion to Suppress Evidence attacking the Police officer’s claim that the Defendant was “weaving wi...
St. Louis area DWI Case Dismissed & No Missouri License Suspension. Missouri DWI lawyer Ben Sansone argued that the Police failed to substantiate probable cause for the traffic stop; moreover, our...