Category: Firm News
Every year Missouri Lawyers Weekly publishes the year’s biggest Missouri personal injury verdicts and settlements. For 2018 our personal injury lawyers settled over $12,000,000.00 worth of cases. T...
Last month we sent the governor’s office in Missouri sunshine law request requiring them to turn over documents related to communications with the Confide app (self destructing texts) by the Governo...
Ben Sansone worked with several Des Peres residents concerned about water pollution in their neighborhood. Our group paid for the Washington University Isotope Laboratory scientists to walk 2-Mile Cre...
This year our law firm was able to gather a lot of toys. When the Toys-For-Tots people forgot to pick up our donations we decided to take them to the local Children’s Hospital a few days before Chri...
Reliance bank is still pushing their fast food drive thru Starbucks project and trying to avoid an appeal by making concessions, however these concessions don’t meaningfully address the traffic s...

Christmas is a special time of the year for children across the St. Louis area. That’s why Sansone & Lauber is taking part in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots program by serving...
The law firm of Sansone & Lauber is proud to be a main sponsor of the 1st annual mouse races fundraiser to benefit the STL United Girls 12 and Under Soccer. The mouse races will be held from 6:...