Category: DWI law in the news
Blood alcohol concentration, often abbreviated as one’s BAC, is the most commonly used method for measuring the alcohol level of a suspected drunk driver. BAC is written as a percentage of alcoh...
A few weeks ago justices heard Missouri v. McNeely, a landmark case that could end several decades worth of uncertainty over the constitutionality of warrantless blood tests. The decision is so import...
A shocking lawsuit was recently filed by citizens of Utah against a state highway patrol officer and her superiors after it was revealed that the trooper filed false DUI charges against potentially do...
The Supreme Court gave word last week that it would hear a case that concerned the power of police officers to give involuntary blood tests to those arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. The case co...
Alicia McKay v. Director of Revenue This case involved an appeal by the Department of Revenue of a judgment to set aside the revocation of Alicia Lynn McKay’s driver’s license. The Departm...
A woman from Jackson County, Missouri who was accused of providing alcohol to a teenage party guest who was later involved in a fatal car crash cannot be prosecuted for the death, according to a recen...
The Missouri Highway Patrol and Department of Conservation just announced that they arrested four people over the weekend on suspicion of drunken boating. Law enforcement officials also revealed that ...