Year: 2013
Missouri State Representative Don Phillips recently proposed a potentially important bit of legislation, which, if enacted, could seriously change existing Missouri DUI law. The legislation, known as ...
In Missouri, if you’ve been pulled over for drinking and driving you may not realize that there are other options besides receiving a standard DWI conviction. One such option, assuming it is you...
The 7th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an individual’s right to a trial by a jury of his or her peers, meaning the people in their community. This right is very clear, ye...
If you or someone you know has run into trouble with the law regarding drinking and driving, you may be wondering about the penalties associated with a DUI/DWI conviction. Though the penalties are fai...
Blood alcohol concentration, often abbreviated as one’s BAC, is the most commonly used method for measuring the alcohol level of a suspected drunk driver. BAC is written as a percentage of alcoh...
A few weeks ago justices heard Missouri v. McNeely, a landmark case that could end several decades worth of uncertainty over the constitutionality of warrantless blood tests. The decision is so import...
If you’ve ever been pulled over in Missouri and asked to get out of your vehicle to perform a few simple maneuvers, then you’re likely already familiar with what is known as the Standardiz...
A shocking lawsuit was recently filed by citizens of Utah against a state highway patrol officer and her superiors after it was revealed that the trooper filed false DUI charges against potentially do...
Late last year a man in St. Charles County, Missouri was arrested and charged with recklessly and knowingly exposing someone to HIV. The act of exposure was not unprotected sex; instead, it happened w...
Under Missouri personal injury law, asking the jury to “send a message” with their verdict is generally reserved for punitive damage cases and typically not allowed in cases where compensa...