Category: DWI Law
A recent case in Canada brought a lot of attention to a subject many drivers may not be aware of: heartburn and acid reflux can, in some cases, lead to dramatically inaccurate BAC readings. Though it ...
A recent case out of Tennessee has created some buzz in the criminal defense world given the spotlight it places on the proper weight of field sobriety tests. The Tennessee Supreme Court recently deci...
The Supreme Court released its opinion in Missouri v. McNeely yesterday, a closely watched case not only here in Missouri but across the country. The reason the case was able to generate so much atten...
There has been an increasing emphasis placed on getting repeat drunk drivers off of Missouri roadways as more and more stories get attention across the country of drivers who had been previously arres...
Everyone knows that prime time for police to make arrests regarding drunk drivers are nights and weekends. It would come as no surprise to most people to hear that late night on a Friday would underst...
Measuring Impairment in Drugged Driving vs Drunk Driving Everyone knows that DWI laws make it illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. There’s a very clear line for measur...
Missouri State Representative Don Phillips recently proposed a potentially important bit of legislation, which, if enacted, could seriously change existing Missouri DUI law. The legislation, known as ...

In Missouri, if you’ve been pulled over for drinking and driving you may not realize that there are other options besides receiving a standard DWI conviction. One such option, assuming it is you...
If you or someone you know has run into trouble with the law regarding drinking and driving, you may be wondering about the penalties associated with a DUI/DWI conviction. Though the penalties are fai...
Blood alcohol concentration, often abbreviated as one’s BAC, is the most commonly used method for measuring the alcohol level of a suspected drunk driver. BAC is written as a percentage of alcoh...