If you are charged with DWI and took and a breath test, almost always will need to get SR-22 insurance at some point.
In most DWI cases we a have to deal with both the criminal charges and the license issues which are oftentimes separate cases. The criminal charges are brought by the State, County, or City prosecutor. The license case (alcohol suspensions or revocations) is a civil matter brought by the Missouri Department of Revenue which is Missouri’s DMV. Oftentimes the suspension is automatic if you take a BAC test and blow over a .08.
After the suspension you may be required to carry SR-22 Insurance as part of the license reinstatement. SR-22 Insurance involves insurance that is kept on file with the State for 2 years so that they know you have insurance for at least 2 years. SR-22 Insurance can be costly if you do not do it right or hire the right agent to do it. Many times you can get a SR-22 policy that is separate from your current auto policy which will help keep your overall auto insurance rates down.
For years we have recommended our clients get their SR-22 insurance through Select Insurance. These guys have always come through for our clients and saved them money. Trust me, don’t get SR-22 insurance direct form the insurance company, go through an agent and they will do it right and help avoid minimize or avoid bad marks on your insurance record.