In many DWI cases as part of the license reinstatement the State of Missouri requires “SR-22 Insurance” for 2 years. Many times our St. Louis DWI defense lawyers can prevent the license revocation or suspension and sometime get our clients reinstated without SR-22 insurance being required, however, sometimes this insurance is necessary. What exactly is SR-22 insurance? It is a specific type of insurance that requires registration f the insurance with the Missouri DOR, Department of Revenue which runs Missouri’s DMV. This is required so the State of Missouri can monitor and confirm you are carrying auto insurance for 2 years as part of the license reinstatement after a DWI.
DO NOT get this SR-22 coverage through your current auto insurer, as your rates may skyrocket. Instead, get an SR-22 insurance policy as a supplement to your current auto policy. This is a way to hopefully avoid rate increases due to the SR-22 filing. This requires a knowledgeable insurance agent to write the SR-22 policy correctly, our law firm recommends Select Insurance Team’s SR-22, they have helped many of our clients in the past with SR-22 insurance.
Many factors go into the defense of a DWI and the license suspension or revocation. The sooner you get a good Missouri defense lawyer involved the better. Our office offers free consultations to discuss your options and review the specific facts of your case. Call the St. Louis attorneys at Sansone & Lauber today at (314) 863-0500.