Texting and Driving Essay
Texting and driving has become a deadly epidemic among teenage drivers. It is a distraction and leads to many consequences including car wrecks and loss of life. There are many strategies and methods that could be used to help teenagers see how bad texting and driving is. However, the methods need to effective in communicating the importance of not having this habit and the consequences of the habit. The best way to persuade teenagers to not text and drive is through simulation and accountability partners.
Simulation is one of the best ways to help teenagers see the consequences of texting and driving without them getting hurt. By having a simulation, the message of “don’t text and drive” can get to all teenagers without making them feel uncomfortable and it’s not scaring them into not texting and driving. There are speakers that go to schools to teach kids not to text and drive and they show graphic pictures which upsets teenagers who are sensitive. This isn’t a good strategy because of the sensitivity of some teenagers and because people learn and understand differently. Some teenagers need to “experience” texting and driving before they understand how bad it is. An example of a simulation would be having a student “drive” a car, like in a video game. Give them a phone and as they drive, the phone begins to light up with texts and tell the student to answer them. Make the phone light up more and more to where it’s nearly impossible to text and drive. Most likely, they will virtually wreck. This will effectively let teenagers see how dangerous texting and driving can be.
A method that would be really effective is for teen drivers to have an accountability partner. An accountability partner would not only help one person not text and drive but it would lead to two or more people to not text and drive. The accountability partner(s) could be a parent, sibling and/or friend. The drivers would promise each other that they won’t text and drive. They also would promise that they wouldn’t try to contact each other when they know the other is driving and to make sure the other is keeping their promise, if possible, the other will ride in the car with them each time they go out and then slowly back off, building trust. This helps teenagers develop a good habit and take responsibility for their actions and it would help adults as well stop texting and driving
The best way to persuade teenagers to not text and drive is through simulation and accountability partners. Simulation would spread the message to all teenagers and help teenagers experience the consequences of texting and driving without actually suffering from them. Accountability partners would help teenagers build the habit and learn to take responsibility for their actions. This would help them realize how their actions do affect others. A simple text can change a life, for better or worse.